Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Complete.

I had a great week off  and realized that it was easy to want to train when I was off and having time for all the things I haven't had time for this year, but I really don't want to spend my summer training.  There may be an Ironman in my future but it's not in six weeks.  I thought my head would be back in the game, but I'm done with Ironman for this year.  I'm excited to get on with things, creative endeavors, hiking, adventure, friends, being a good aunt and sister and friend, the spontaneity that defines me.  It's sad, but I think that's just left over Coeur d'Alene sad and the tears of a stubborn ego.
 Thanks everyone for tons of support.  It’s been a great year,  so many hours training, quite the journey.  I’m glad I did it. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Flash Mob!

 My Week
-There was a dance flash mob at the Farmer's Market yesterday! Also lots of sugar snap pees... it was sort of like this:

-Snakes are out and slithering in the grass when I work in my garden
-Something died under the barn and I can't figure out where...(might be the neighbor's cat...)
-Tomorrow is work on the Silver Streak Trailer Day!
-I got my hand stuck between this flour bin and metal table at work.  Stuck.  Squished in so I couldn't get it out or move it.  Like when I got my hand stuck in the car door when I was little on the ferry boat, only I was calmer.  SO I hunkered down in my little cranny for a but and tried to decide whether to chew my hand off or cut it off a la Aron Ralston when I was spotted, I said "I'm stuck" in a weirdly calm voice, "can you lift the table?" and they did, and I still have both hands, but one finger won't clench all the way.  So that was exciting.
-Bees will arrive any day, the hive is set!
-Chickens Sunday?
-I talked to some really nice folks about training and my head.  Learned a lot.  Major Processing. Heavy doody. I'm feeling better about Ironman just being a race and a powerful tool for me to learn with.
- Not that processing one's deep driving desires and having "we need to talk" dates every night with one's ego is ANY excuse...but... I accidentally started watching Glee... It's like an itchy rash I hope clears up soon.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thanks Anna

I like these:

There are more from the great Irina Werning

Monday, July 11, 2011

Choose it right

I signed up for Canada the same day I didn't finish Coeur d'Alene.  It was a brash, emotional decision coming from a place of embarrassment, disappointment, sadness, and regret.  If those were my motivations for doing this race than training is going to suck and I don't want to spend my summer doing it. 
 So, I just put away all my tri stuff.  I'm taking a week off.  Running if I want to, doing projects, resting my tired mind and heart, doing the self love and coming back into me, coming into a good decision making place.  After a week, I'll decide if I want to do Ironman Canada.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shit or get off the pot

I went for my run yesterday, hated it, came home and cried.

I am super resentful of training right now and what's the point of spending 20 hours a week voluntarily doing something you hate.

I need to:
a) Get my head back into a space where training for Ironman is an exciting, healthful, therapeutic adventure that makes me feel good


b) Stop training, not do Canada and spend my free time doing things I love like spending time with friends, family, creative projects, fun exercise, and summertime.

It's clearly all in my head.  If I think about a 6 hour bike ride today for training, my body cringes and I immediately think of 9,000 better things to do. If I think of going for a solo bike adventure for fun, I'd do it. 

So I went today and talked to a guy from tri club who works a lot with mental training. 
I'm going deep.
Stay tuned.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Fresh kale smoothies from the garden
Saying hey to people I know coming into the bakery
Sleeping in the trailer and waking up to birds
Trying to learn butterfly at Masters swim and laughing my nuts off
Visitors galore and eating out on the deck
Sunrise on the mountain
Biking in the sun
Running from the lake
Translating spanish at the post office
Laughing at work
Being happy that I am the one at home so excited for main man's return. 
It's summer!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mind Ironing

I went to Hood River Tri Club on Tuesday night.  People were SO nice! I had met a bunch of them at a party at my coach's house on the 4th so they all knew I was The Girl Who Didn't Finish The Swim.  It was a treat to see them all again. 

The course was an open water swim, 7 mile bike, and 2 or 3 mile run or something.  Then a beer.  I'll do it every week until Canada.

 Getting back in the water with a group of people in wetsuits wasn't fun.  I swam 2/3 of the swim course.  It's this weird panic like I can't breathe, or am not moving, or something.  So weird.  Not a problem in the pool and never been a problem in open water before Ironman. 

After the workout, when we were all hanging, chatting, and laughing, a man came up to me, he asked me how it was going, and I smiled  and said "good," he smiled and said "Really? How was that swim?"... fuck.

I told him it wasn't fun, but that I'd just keep banging my head against it until it got fun. He just looked at me.   I'd met him at Mondays party and he basically, very nicely, called was calling me out on my shit.  He  basically said that though I was physically trained for Ironman, my mental game was a mess.


It makes sense.  One signs on for these things for lots of reasons, for me there were lots of reasons as well:  Adventure, a big goal, to see what I'm capable of, to celebrate my life... then there's all the "because I have something to prove" reasons.  The latter reasons are deep and rooty and probably worth some pondering and making peace with.   It totally makes sense that one goes into all this with all their weird stuff about being good enough, and if you don't sort all that out before hand it's not like it's going to get clearer in the freezing water with 2500 other freaks.

It think I have some deep wormy hiccup in my mind, and I have to iron it out. 

In addition to mind work, it's back to training.  I got acupuncture and massage on my whackidy shoulder last night and am all over figuring out the work/train/sleep/eat/shower/water garden/summertime balance.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


 I had an awesome birthday last weekend.  Friends, sun, water, food, rad scavenger hunt left by main-man before he went to work, morning coffee in the trailer with Caroline, innertubing,  basking on the futon on the deck, hula hooping, meeting more people doing Ironman Canada, and lots of lots of love. 

  And now there's time to get my head right for my next race.  I'm still a bit mopey about Idaho, I cry, I wonder what the eff I was thinking signing up for another, I get pissed, but under it all I'm glad I'm going back to do it right.  Its time to train hard in body and I've got some work to do on my mind. Tonight I'm off to tri-club with some folks I'm pretty sure wear pointy helmets and don't fuck around. 

Here's some mind training I'm doing:
The next 9 weeks:
Be my best: Laugh a lot
Eat my best: Plan groceries and fuel so I can be fueled for workouts and recovery
Train my best: Complete all training goals each day
Recover my best: Prioritize sleeping 8 hours a night, take care of my shoulder

Long term goals in sport of Triathlon:
  • Arrive at Ironman Canada feeling calm and confident
  • Train so I have ample cushion time for each cut off
  • Complete Ironman Canada on August 28
Long term goals in life:
  • Work: Laugh a lot and do my best, connect with people, build farm, do a little each day
  • Community: Maintain peeps, build Hood River community now that I'm here
  • Level of commitment to acheiving tri goals: High for next 9 weeks
  • Price willing to pay to achieve tri goals: I will have to sacrifice some social stuff

Monday, June 27, 2011

Totally Disappointing

It was a great few days before the race.  Lots of family love.  So many nice messages from friends and family.  A great lake house.  Stormy weather, but the weather was calm and perfect race day morning.  I'd been out the day before with my coach and was chompin at the bit.  I felt calm and confident.  I can write more later about the experience of being here and all the hub bub.

I want to write now a little about not finishing.

 The water was 53 degrees and calm.  The gun went off and I let the mass go and then got in and started swimming.  The cold took my breath and for whatever reason I couldn't get my breathing together for the first 1.2 miles.  Half way through my first 1.2 mile lap I got a wicked leg cramp. 

Whatever the reasons, I couldn't get my shit together. 

 I've swam the distance in the pool twice during training, I felt calm in the open water at my second Blue Lake Triathlon race a few weeks back, but today it wasn't working out.  I got through my first lap finally at 1:20, they started cutting people from the race behind me.  I stumbled back into the water and swam.  My breathing was still all over the place and I couldn't feel my hands or feet.  1/4 way through my second and final lap a paddle boarder told me I'd be cut from the race at the far buoy.  I got to the far buoy, 1.8 miles in and no body cut me.  I got to 2 miles at the 2:20 cut off time.  They asked me if I wanted to get on a boat as I was cut from the race.  I knew I'd need something to be proud of so I kept swimming and finished the 2.4 miles 19 minutes past the cut off. 
 Who knows why I couldn't pull it off.  Cold? Nerves? Whatever.  I got to shore, last one out of the water.  I was devastated.  My family was there and lots of people were clapping.  I wanted to be alone.  I was so cold.  2:40 in the water swimming.  I got whisked into the warming tent which was filled with other bummed out women.  Some missed the cut by seconds. 
 I know it's just a silly sports event.  I know I am one of the luckiest people for so many reasons.  It's just sad to let myself down so badly.  I wanted to be on my bike so badly.
 I got home and slept, and woke up to family.

I decided I don't want to leave it like this.  I know I am strong enough to complete this race, I have a full year of training under my belt and am in awesome shape.  I don't want to go the rest of my life knowing how close I was to this goal. 

 I decided I would sign up for another Ironman in the next few months and train my ass off and do it.
The only spot was a $1,112 community foundation spot in Ironman Canada August 28.  I'm in.  My grandma has a house there and I can drive which justifies the cost. 

 So here's to 8 more weeks of hard ass training and a hopeful happy ending to this adventure. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Leaving for Idaho tomorrow...

Last Hood River Pool training workout was today. 
I've swam in so many pools this year!
I'm procrastinating packing right now. 
Off to Idaho tomorrow!

If you want to track me on Sunday, here's how:

Go to:

The race starts at 7am and if I finish it will be before 12am Monday.

Last Name: Jenkinson
Age group 30-35
Bib number 259

Send the good vibes! Here goes!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Week Countdown

Today, this time next week:

7am Swim Mass Start
9:20 Swim course cut off, I hope I'm biking by this time
1:30pm, better be done with 1/2 bike course
5:30pm bike course closes
9pm better be done with 1/2 marathon
12pm best be done...
Final count down..
We're leaving for Idaho on Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

100 miles

100 miles
blister buns
teen bulls
crazy ass head wind
great barns
rain on cement smell
sore buns
Ironman will be hard, but probably OK.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

11 days

This is the final push til taper.
Today was my second day at my new job.  I'm baking artisan breads at Knead.
It's waking up at 5:45 and learning so much rad stuff about baking that I've wanted to learn for so long, lots of flour, and making things with my hands.  I like it.
Also today I did the full length swim.  Swimming in a pool after this weekend is way easier.  I'm tired but not wrecked.  Which is great.  Tomorrow I bike 100 miles.
Then taper!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm in control, I could do this all day

That's my new mantra: "I'm in control, I could do this all day"

It's a result of the main man calling me out that I am indeed not afraid of drowning but rather of being out of control... touche. 
Saturday was my first Triathlon, it was Sprint distance (1/2 mi swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run.)
I freaked the frick out with the swim.  Wednesday was the first time I learned to sight, and I got all confused about breathing, got bumped around a bit and went to a very dark place. I finished fine but was scarred.
Getting Ready
Brother, brothergal, big sis and new niece came and made a sign and it was rad, despite a lingering deep horror at the swimming. I talked to my coach that night, she said don't worry, all first tri swims are traumatic.
Most people wait a week or more soon forget race trauma and want to do another.  I did another the next day, with full force fear.
Saturday eve was food carts and friends, Portland summer wonderful, and lots of well wishes for the race.
Woke up at 5:30 on Sunday, sweating.  Triathlon number 2: 1 mile swim, 21 mile bike, 10k run.  Couldn't stop shitting, scared animal shit.  I can't remember not wanting to do something I was going to do so much.  SO scared for the swim. 8am rolled around, I was standing on the beach in my wetsuit pretending not to cry scared ass tears. We got in the corral, the horn tooted, we went.
It's a head game.  As long as I don't think, it's fine.  Don't think, focus on exhale, I'm in control, I could do this all day. Coming in from the swim I lost my nose plug and main man was there yelling along the shore, easy to spot because luckily he never changes his clothes,  like a champ.
The bike was good, same mantra.  I didn't take a watch so I wouldn't be able to feed the thought gerbils in my head numbers and get all worked up.  A bunch of war planes took off over us, that was noisy.  A lady behind me kept hollering "Thanks for the great pace, keep it up" which was rad.  At one point a 60 year old lady rode up next to me on my same bike and told me she had my same outfit.  She was a badass.  I saw a guy in a tri suit that said "Ted Nugent" on it, like a sponsor? I stopped to pee.  And I spend a lot of time imagining people naked to keep my mind distracted.  It's super easy when everyone's wearing see through spandy suits.
The Finish!
The run was good, I passed a lot of people.
End of race was good, main man, strawberry short cake, no more fear.
I picked up my brother, a free egg incubator, free chicken feeder, free foam leg roller, and a German hitch hiker and we got to come home.  All in time to get to bed early enough so I could get to work this morning at my new job as a bread baker here in Hood River.

Here's my times:
Saturday Sprint
Overall Time: 1:32:10
Division place: 17th
Swim: 19:37, Bike:  39:52,Run: 26

Sunday Olympic:
Overall Time: 3:04:11
Division place: 21st
Swim: 36:29, Bike: 1:25:21, Run: 56:08

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

17 days


Coach and I went to Blue Lake this morning. I'm doing my first triathlons there this weekend.
Saturday: Sprint Distance: 8am 1/2 mi swim, 12 mi bike, 5 k run
Sunday: Olympic Distance:  8am .8 mi swim, 22 mi bike, 5.3 mi run

Swam in the water: it's not that cold. Practiced getting pummeled whilst swimming: funny.
Swimming will be a total head game, if I stay calm I have no doubt I can do it.  Get amped up and I'm screwed. So there's that.

I'm so lucky to have such a rad coach.
Then we got beers and lunch and it was good to hear about how most folks get a little high strung before big events and what the plan is for the next couple weeks.
The truth is I'm terrified and an emotional loose cannon.  I'm excited too, but it's scary as shit.
At this point alls I can do is my best every day. 

In other RAD news:
-I'm getting bees and I planted my garden, come on summer!
-Saw a big snake on a bike ride
-I saw what may be the cutest animal: Baby Highland Cattle on the run the other day.
-Grande Finale: Same run... shit my pants! Really! It's true!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Sam

26 days

 Here's the thing about Hypothermia.  It comes so slow and makes you so dumb all you can do is try to prevent it.  I had no idea how bad of shape I was in until I had been rescued by a nurse and her husband in a gigantic truck, bundled in blankets and driven half way home.

 I headed out Sunday for a six hour ride.  Plan: Ride into Yosemite Valley and out.

Weather: sunny.
Clothes: Jersey and Windbreaker and shorts.

I saw a flipped raft, gigantic dead deer, lots of wildflowers, big water, awesome rocks, it was a great ride.  When I hit El Portal it got drizzly and I put on my windbreaker and started to climb into the valley.  It was slowly getting colder and I figured I'd bust out the last 10 miles and dry off by the fire at the Ahwahnee and head back down.  Then I got dumb.  Next thing I know, my hands are numb, I'm soaked through, there are occasional snow flakes, and I'm biking down a muddy road towards smoke (smoke = fire = warm).  I asked the nice Mexican family If I could warm my hands over their meaty grill so I could make a phone call.  I hung like a hobo by the grill and called the main man to see if he could meet me at the park gate.  Then for some reason I rode deeper into the valley before turning around. A little later when I was shivering violently and biking 2 miles an hour unable to brake or shift, a gigantic truck pulled up.  Ordered me into it, swathed me in blankets, fed me, and made sense of my mumblings.... "Midpines," and "Friend at gate."  We passed Main Man, "We've Got Your Girlfriend" and I got home to lots of eating, a bath, a fire, and being so exhausted all I could do was cry the tired cry of a 2 year old while Main Man made me finish my dinner before bed.
I am the luckiest girl.

I've been  feeling like some geriatric version of the me I once knew.  This is the "finding my limits" part I've been so excited about!

In other news, I got an interview at a Bakery in Hood River tomorrow and am chompin at the bit to get home and move forward with thrilling farm and settling down plans.  One more week of California wildflower sunshine and it's home again home again to Northwest summer bliss!

Friday, May 27, 2011

29 days

SO it's less than a month until the race. Shit!
I have a case of nervous right kidney.  I actually went to the doctor, which I never do, and I hope it's musculoskeletal.  They said it's that or a stone.  At the doctor I also learned I've gained 15 pounds in 2011! And I'm still the same size! Nuts!
It's warming up here.  Flowers blooming.  Training and yoga and taco night with cowboy music in town.  It's good people here in Mariposa.

I am getting eager to get home.  Set up garden, transition to not always training life, back to friends and summer and home.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Busy week of work/train/sunshine/rain Yosemite life.
This weekend we went to San Francisco.  On our way there we stopped for a quick sec in Modsesto to grab a bite to eat.  We parked and popped into a restaurant with a little bluegrass band in it, ate a hot dog, and no more than 30 minutes later, walking back to the car noticed a bazillion cops/ambulances/firetrucks/lights.  Here was the scene: A closed intersection containing: crime tape, lights, a shot dead guy getting CPR, and our truck.  We had to stay until the detectives came and the dead man was transported, (luckily?) we were gone eating hot dogs and didn't have to respond. After a bit we were escorted out, crime tape lifted, drove under it and made it to Oakland around midnight to begin an up late sleep late city living weekend.  
 The weekend was, good friends, sunshine, sitting in Dolores Park for a New Years Style countdown cheer for Apocalypse, Cutting a rug with the main man at Soul Night, Tacos, Potato Cakes,a vinegar tasting.  General Joy.
 It's so easy to fall in love with a place in springtime when it's busting open with flowers and people in short shorts.  3 cheers for the bay!

Monday, May 16, 2011


It's coming closer...
2 more weeks of build workouts
1 recovery week
A race week including my first two triathlons
And begin taper/prep for the race June 26

Life in Yosemite's been good. Swimming at lunch in the outdoor pool. Teaching a great class of new EMTs. Living in a cabin with a million critters and their babies as neighbors in the walls. Props to the new young bird mothers up at all hours feeding their yelling chicklets. 

The weeekend was a treat. Friends from SF visited, we basked on the porch sipping sangria, grilled, hammocked, played lots of games, woke up to snow! made a fire, and visited a ghost town. Great visit.

This ghost town had a DIY style graveyard. mounds of dirt, flowers, rocks, no grass, lots of room.  It also had lots of baby goats.

The jam these days is to keep my head straight and my feet on the ground as the nerves and reality of the race get more acute. And as the reality of looking for a job in Hood River gets more real. Lots of changes on the docket, but the truth is that the sun is out, the pool was nice, the course is good, it's nice to be here, and like the ghost town folks I'm just here to do my best every day, connect, and I'm out.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summertime time

Knee is healing, swimming in Mariposa - Outdoor pool! at lunchtimes, biking to the river and back up the big hill, running through the sundapple oaks.  Running to work in the morning, 6 weeks and 2 days until Ironman.

Thanks to Sika for this relaxing cat stuff.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bienvenido California!

Marathon hurdle done.  Sights set on June 11th and 12th triathlons at Blue Lake: June 11th: Sprint: 750 m swim, 20 km bike, 5 km run, June 12th: Olympic: 1.5 km swim, 40 km ride, 10 km run.  In the meantime I'm nursing a bum knee from Eugene. Ran and biked yesterday, feeling the knee.  Hurt or hurting?

 Post Eugene we hit the road and headed to the beach where we ate fish Tacos with a lovely elderly stormwatcher couple from Texas who invited us onto their porch because "nobody likes sandy food," and serenaded us with ipod clarinet jazz and rambled on about the "olden days" eg: the 90s.
My post Marathon limp was wearing off and I slept like a sealion at the incredible Inn at Manzanita (cubbyhole bed, jacuzzi in the room, bakery breakfast), I got back on my legs for a morning beach run through the tiny tracks of sand critters in the sideways sun.  We basked on the beach and took first steps towards earning a spot on the tandem surfing pro-tour.  Next night was Pacific City, sneaking up on deer, eating tailgate sandwiches,  shotgunning beers, and getting rained on.  Then stanky sealion cave drive by, cinco de mayo, and charging to the redwoods.  California!  We slept with the giants who feel like big animals watching you sleep but are actually trees.

 California is amazing, it's got it all and is SO California.  Stoned people, redwoods, natural food stores, yoga, bright breezy houses, single pane windows, oak trees, eucalyptus, foggy coast lines.

 Healdsburg was biking and meeting chickens and goats and farmers market and sampling cheeses and eating blue cheese burgers and laughing with friends under the stars.

 And NOW I'm back in Midpines, teaching a month long EMT course outside Yosemite.  It's great to be back at the homestead, sleeping in the treehouse, horses outside, windchimes chiming, and back at work.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Marathon, done!

Eugene Marathon. Check.

Overall I placed smack in the middle.  1396/2291 overall, 99/178 in my division, ran a 4:13 marathon and kept my mile average under 10 minutes.  I feel good about it and am excited to hop back on the training pony and crank this Ironman out.

Wrapped up the Portland course, after a week and a half of new baby+work+Portland+family+fun = serious training slacks.  Ori and I jumped in the car, I ate a burrito, handed over the wheel and slept for two hours.  I was haggard and excited from an awesome oysters/absinthe/music date that had me out until 1 the night before.  Decisions = consequences I guess.

 We woke up at 5am Sunday after a great evening with Ori's friends of good food and laughter and a 9pm bedtime.  I felt great.  Oatmeal and coffee and sunrise drive into town.  Bag Check, peeing behind bushes, and freezing waiting for start.

7:10am and we were off.  The first 10 miles were weaving through town.  Awesome spectators, views of blocks and blocks as far as you could see of runners, lots of cowbells, I was pumped so I got this idea that I was going to run a 3:50 marathon.   The plan seemed good until mile 17 when my legs realized that though they could bike or swim the rest of the race, they were sick of running.  My pace dropped from 8:41 (rank 67) -9:11 (rank 93) -11:14 (rank 128) for the last 7 miles.  It was a funny feeling to feel strong in body and fuel but done in muscle.  Big inspiration for renewed dedication to training and also excitement that I can run a marathon and not be super tired.  Just my legs.

 There were so many highlights, so many great spectators, I was wearing my wonder woman costume and at mile 18, superman ran up beside me.  At mile 16, there was a dinging to my side and I looked and saw a cowbell ringing on a stick tied to a string that ran 100 yards across the lawn to a man in a wheelchair on his porch.  At mile 26 I was met by my new Main Man and at the finish also by my Dad.

Ori rocked her first marathon, we went and soaked our legs naked butted in the river, drank champagne, got burgers, and the day ended with finally being back home watching the sunset on the deck.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Eugene Marathon is Sunday morning.  26.2 miles of road and path starting and ending in Hayward field.  I finish up teaching this course Saturday and drive down.  I'm feeling a little weak still and have been acting all cool about the race because it's not that much longer than my Sunday long run would be anyways.  Truth is, I'm a little nervous, excited, and wondering how I'll feel to finish a race with nobody waiting for me but my own good feelings and Ori who's running too.
My first marathon! 2005
 I was remembering my first Marathon the other day.  I had decided to start running, signed up for the Muir Woods Trail Marathon and trained.  It was a huge accomplishment and finishing with Daniel, Josh, and Greer waiting for me at the finish line was wonderful.  We drank champagne on the beach after and headed back to Yosemite to a classroom full of congrats.  It was a total love fest.  Since then I've run races, coached cross country, lost 30 pounds, stopped smoking, and grabbed life by the balls as best I can.
 This Ironman has tested my personal motivations, with 100s of hours biking, running, and swimming alone, no spectators, I could take it or leave it, it doesn't really matter to anyone else, it's for me.  
 I'm thrilled and honored to run this race with Ori, it's her first marathon, she trained through the Wyoming winter, badass.  I'm thrilled to have someone to share it with.  We'll drive to the race, do our run, finish and come home.  I don't think there will be anyone at the finish line for us.  It will be for us.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


  Life's been pretty bitchin' the last week.  Baby delivery, Easter scavenger hunt, Portland time, and a little bit of sunshine.
 My sister had a baby! Getting to be there with her for the tree days of labor and the delivery was one amazing experience.  She is a lioness of power.  Words can't describe. Bryn Renee (that's right!) Pyper is a long and strong, lean mean suckling sleeping machine.  This birthing business is one rad miracle.
 3 days awake took the place of my 100 mile bike and 3 hour run, so I'm cobbling together some more intense shorter workouts at lunch and after class here in Portland this week to get ready for next Sunday's marathon in Eugene!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

3 days off = hurricaine of productivity

I know it's supposed to be rest, but it is NUTS productive I can be when I have to stay in state and in phone range to be ready to zoom and help out with the birth of the nephe-iece baby any day now, pair that with taking 3 days off from training and just watch!

I celebrated spring trailer cleaning day ( a white people's tradition) by scrubbing both trailers top to bottom, seeing them both parked just so fills my heart with something awesome.  I also baked some chicken pot pies and am off to Portland for a pot pie family feast, Black Joe Lewis, a 5:30/30 bike/run block workout, Raphael Saadiq, and maybe just maybe a brand new baby!

Do you know someone who can fix trailer plumbing and a propane leak, if yes, send them my way porfa.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Low Iron Maiden

I went to do my long swim today and got 45 minutes in and realized I was hardly moving.  Weak sauce! I have been so silly tired and so silly sore this week.
Monday: I did half of my bike workout and fell asleep (which is weird for me) and felt sick
Tuesday: jammed out my run only to be crazy sore, like hit in the legs with bats sore, all the way until this morning, still felt crappy
Wednesday: I jammed out my run and bike hill workouts at a slothish pace on really painful legs, crappy.  But I DID get a bitchin massage and by bitchin I mean both incredibly painful and incredibly relaxing.
Today: Left my swim after 45 minutes when I realized how dumb I was being.

Luckily I already had a doctor's appointment and asked them to check my blood: Surprise! Anemic!
The list of symptoms is dead on:
  • loss of endurance
  • chronic fatigue
  • low power
  • recurring illness
  • loss of interest in exercise and irritability
  • increased incidence and duration of colds and infections 
  • ridiculously hilarious sense of humor
  • awesome face
The deal is that hard training stimulates production of red blood cells and blood vessel production, all those new little blood cells need irons.  Also through injury, even little ones like foot strike on hard ground and torn up muscles, and also through a lot of sweating.

So I am back to hunting down the ultimate Iron supplement, as I already eat a lot of iron rich foods.

  ALSO my coach says take 3 days off.
3 DAYS!!! YAHOO!!!! Look out trailer remodel, I've got a electric screwdriver with your name on it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Loving Touches

 My friend Tarp told me we need seven loving touched a day.  My mission this last weekend was to get on that.  And I did.  And it was good.  Then I got sick.  I doubt from too much touching.  Maybe from too much hot tub.  Probably from too much tired.  After a late return home Sunday I moved Sunday's 17 mile run to yesterday, woke up Monday feeling like doodoo and swapped mt 5.5 hour bike + 30 minute run for a 2.5 hour bike + 20 minute run + hour long nap.  Tired body.  Things are better today, Dad's here, and after my two hours of hill workouts I get a massage in town!  Let the loving touch parade march on!
Also I got a diamond ring from Dad, he found some diamonds in the desert in Saudi Arabia, and now I have a super bling! Thanks Dad!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It' April!

Highlights of the last few days:
Visit Portland pals, swim 2.4 miles (including drills and cool down) swim sprints at Mt Scott, rent beach house with friends, do sprints at the beach, eat delicious food, log lots of hours in the hot tub, stomp the crap out of a lot of sea foam, shoot sand with the Kristen's bad ass looking camo bow at the beach, laugh my face off with said friends, throw a lot of rocks at the sea, poke some anenomes, and stock up on funnies to keep me chuckling for years to come.

Highlights to come:
Work on the trailer, train hard this week even though I just got home too late to do my long run of 17 miles today, moving it to Tuesday, which will be sore but I get a massage Wednesday!  I do my first block workout tomorrow: 5 hour ride straight into 30 minute run, I'll be there when SISTER HAS BABY!!!!!!! I'll see Black Joe Lewis, I'll see Raphael Sadiq (after my second block workout, so that will be funny dancing), get another massage.  SO despite some soreness, things are excellent and the forecast is good.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed!

Good idea:
Make a carrot cake and braised ribs for Uncle Doug's birthday

Bad Idea:
Frost the cake first thing in the morning while drinking coffee, and by "frost" I mean eat frosting for breakfast.  Then do my hill workouts.

Today was a milestone! I got my very own home!  Bucky the trailer was lovingly pulled here by my amazing aunt and uncle.  I thought I'd blow a gasket of joy watching them pull into the driveway with all 30 feet of silver glory in tow.

In other news, I went to a running/yoga clinic tonight, good reminders about a lot of stuff I've learned.  But more and more I am finding the reminding totally worthwhile.  There are so many things I know and don't practice or want to practice more of.

Like: more drills in my running, stronger push off, more torso rotation, faster more consistent cadence.  I also realized that there is little I appreciate more than someone sitting me down and leading me in stretching.

Aside from the frosting incident it was a great day and I'll slumber well with visions of perfect form and floor plans dancing in my head.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Montage Morning

My Morning Montage Moment:

Soundtrack: Kenny Loggins: "I'm Free"
Doing my core workout
Making a fruit smoothie

Monday, March 28, 2011

The good stuff

 I'm home from Eugene now, happily back from a lovely evening and morning in Portland with wonderful people.  Excited to catch up more with more people, it feels like I've been gone a long time.
I love my friends

This week starts Build 2 phase.  Goodbye recovery week, this means longer long workouts, continued speed and hill workouts, and the beginning of Brick workouts.  Sounds fun huh?
Here's a typical week this phase:
Monday: Long ride 5ish hours
Tuesday: Ride 45 minutes and Swim 30 minutes and Core workout
Wednesday: Run Hills:45 minutes and Bike Hills: 1 hour
Thursday: Long Swim: 2.4 miles including drills and Bike 45 minutes
Friday: Speed day, 1 hour each in pool, on bike and on the track
Saturday: Off!
Sunday: Run 2.5 hours

Here's why I like training right now:
-I'm in too deep to feel OK about skipping workouts, a skipped workout means pain later, it's rare that a gal like me can't justify her way out of doing something.

-Long bikes/runs/swims are forcing me to keep my mind in the moment, which is another thing a gal like me sometimes forgets to practice.  There's no point in thinking about what I'll be doing in an hour when I'll still be on my bike or doing some other sport.

-I'm getting nervous which usually feels like excitement with less than 3 months to Ironman

-I'm an eating MACHINE!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Got up Thursday a little sore, hopped on trainer for 45 minutes of drills, swam for an hour and a half, broke my goggles and felt like a real swimmer for having worn out some swim thing.

  I did some speedy swimming Friday here in Eugene. There was a water Zumba class with kickin tunes and sassy laughing ladies and kids doing cannonball contests. I was swimming with the boring workout swimmers realizing that no matter how many goggles I break, I will always be more of a cannonballing underwater hipshaking dancer than a serious swimmer. I haven't lost myself yet.

 Eugene has been weirdly tropical with sudden showers and sun, we're working right next to the life flight helipad, which is exciting, I get all starstruck when I talk to the helicopter pilots in their jumpsuits.

Sunday I ran 15 miles after work, half of the May 1 marathon route.  It was a lovely flat riverside run of podcasts and hippies smoking weeds.  I was sore after so I did a cold bath which I've never felt like a serious enough athlete to try, turns out, they work.  No soreness Monday.

Today I biked 5.5 hours listening to Eckhardt Tolle's Power of Now.  Feeling super present, also my internal dialogue has a funny german accent now.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bean sweat

It's a sunny beeeeeutiful day here.  I went to Booth Hill road to clean out my lungs on some hills.  Warm up then 6 x 2 minutes moderate 2 minutes eye popping hard then cool down.  Girl Talk has a new album.  It does the trick.

I then went to my Coach's for a little wattage test.  It involved me biking as hard as I could for 1, 2, 6, and 12 minutes to see if I have the power to complete the race before cut off so we know if I need to train time or power.  I got the power!

 The Swim cut off is 2:20 and I can make that.  The bike cut off is 10:30 hrs after start.  So that's 9 hrs if I swim for 1.5 hours.  That means I need to keep above 13mph, which should be doable.  We'll do a 100 mile ride in the next little bit so I can get over that mental hurdle.  The test was sweaty but good.

 In other news I've made some delicious eating breakthroughs:

1. Fast and easy food and awesome take along lunch = a can of beans + frozen veggies + some tasty sauce! Eat it hot or eat it cold a few hours later.  It's doing the trick.

2. Brilliance is quinoa + feta + parsley + tomatoes

3. Tasty white beans + avocado + tomatoes + cilantro + cholula

4. Mama Mia! Spaghetti Squash + tomato sauce with ground turkey and fennel + parm

It's off to Eugene tomorrow after a bike and a long swim and then into the 10 day crazy that is sandwiching work outs between before 8am, 12-1, and between 5 and dark.  I guess that's called work.  Right.

Also this:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The conversation in the swim locker room today:

Girl 1: I had the cutest baby today!
Girl 2: Who was the dad?
Girl 1: Connor who is actually super annoying and hardly helps.  But our baby is so cute.  So at least he helped some, in the baby's face.
-Middle School Girls talking about a science lab

Desert and Back Update:

  • I swam 2.2 miles just before I got on the plane to Tucson last week! The actual non warm up non cool down part was just 1.5 miles, but it did wonders for my swim confidence in preparation for the 2.4 mile Iron distance.  
  • Saguaro and a Tree making love on my run
  • I loved my time in the SW.  I forgot that that's a go-to-get-warm place.  After a rough 2am arrival and sleeping without a sleeping bag it was nothing but up and up.  There were lunch time bikini pool meetings, running among the saguaro cacti, and camping out in a tent to kick off what I hope to be a tent filled tent season. The course was great, awesome co instructor, great students, and fun folks.  I got to swim in an outdoor pool which was a real treat at the Tucson Y.
  • I got home Sunday and got to see my step dad and little sister in Portland with Boo and the eager to be born Blueberry baby and Brian.  We made pasta and ate fro yo.  I love my family.
  • Yesterday I got home and Nina visited.  It was great friendship update.  I rode the trainer and watched Empire Records while she napped.  Then we found a bat in the house!
  • Good news was: It was so cute! Bad news was: Bats are Oregon's Rabies reservoir, and this batlett was a little wonky.  We caught it in a bowl and cookie sheet and took it for a walk while we wondered how to let it go with no risk of contact to it.  Our brilliant solution was to set the bowl/cookiesheet on a stump and then from far away throw sticks at it until it toppled and Batty Warbucks was free.  Nina and I would probably perish pronto if survival was based on stick throwing skills.  So we changed strategies to lifting off the bowl and running.  That worked better.  The Batlett was free and we were not rabied. 
  • So it's back to winter today.  Nina's hit the road after Kale shakes and I'm off to rainy foggy errands and a swim.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Dear Cosmos,
 Thanks for making me practice patience and small step living.  Thank you for making the lesson super clear.  You couldn't be doing a better job.
 It's amazing how you've been able to create a situation with so many variables of my life on standby.  Whereas I'd usually be charging forward on home/life/love/plan projects, you've really done a super complete job of forcing me to live in the present.  It's a little crazy making, but just the same I appreciate the thorough lesson.
Nice Work!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Big Plans

I'm off to go swim 2 miles (biggest swim yet, and a great opportunity to see how the road rash fares in the pool), I got the accordion music to "Every Rose Has It's Thorn," and am flying to Tucson for work and sunshine.  Things are going to be OK.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Upcoming Races!

Want to come?

5/1 Eugene Marathon: Run 26.2 running with Ori and Dad's walking the half, you still have plenty of time to train if you want to kick those winter blues in the balls.

6/11 Blue Lake Sprint Triathlon:  750m swim (.5mi), 20km bike (12.4mi), 5km run (3.1mi)

6/12 Blue Lake Olympic Triathlon: 1.5km swim (.9), 40 km bike (24.9mi), 10km run (6.2mi)

6/26 Ironman Coeur D'Alene: 3.8 km swim (2.4mi), 180 km bike (112mi) 42.2 km run (26.2)

Monday, March 7, 2011


Remember how I was all like "haha I crashed!" eff that.  I hurt.
I woke up today feeling like a 200 year old.  The kind of neck kink that will get you in trouble.  The kind that only lets you nod "yes", no shaking "no." A hip that hurts to touch and bend, a sore ribcage, and some really sticky wounds.  I'm confident I'm not broken, but I am busted and was in a real foul mood about it. I love that spleens are on the left. 
 I headed down to Hood River to get a new bike tire because my trainer ate mine, had a heckuva time getting the tire on with cold hands, busted 2 knuckles and hit the road for a 4.5 hour ride.  It was super sunny this morning and I have no idea how to dress for a bike ride that is half hot climbs half shady flying down hills.  I wore shorts, a jersey, a wool shirt, and little fingerless bike gloves.
 I battled my sore body and sled crashed mood with lots of Guns n Roses, which seemed to help.
2 hours into the ride I noticed I was frozen.  I pedaled harder hoping to warm up.  I couldnt feel my feet, and later my hands and I started making this weird low humming pain noise.
 I would choose most pains over cold any day I've decided.
Being cold hurts, I forgot this until I walked into a pond during the Fossil course last month pretending to be a diabetic gone wild.  It hurt! And today I was reminded again.
 Anyhoo, the ride was hard and very painfully cold.  I got to my car and flung my numb hands at the doors until they opened.  Turned on the heat, thawed slightly.  Ate a huge burrito, drove home, stood in the shower until I could feel 8/10 of my toes,  the next thing I know I woke up at 6:30pm, I am warm and sore and better now.
 I have a lot to learn about bicycle apparel.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lil Wayne Hill Smack Down

We got our asses handed to us yesterday morning sledding at Lil John Snow Hill.  It was a Beautiful morning.  The mountain was beaming.  Friends had to get back to town so we headed up tot he hill for just one or two runs.  That means you have to go big.
 Sika and I climbed the hill. Lil John was a little wet and there wasn't a ton of snow on it, but there were folks out.  We boldly climbed past them.  At the top, a man below stood and watched us.  Sika said "I think he's scared for us." 
 The second we lifted out feet we were going 900mph.  Turns out there's a lot of jumps on the hill that were hard to see.  I had one hand clawing the rubber of the tube, and the other was holding Sika.  I actually thought we had it until we hit a big bump.  I remember Sika silhouetted against the sky about four feet above me.  I reached up to grab her back to earth and I think it was like when you double bounce in a trampoline.  When she came back to the tube via my face, we both flew.  Needless to say we lost the tube, grabbed each other and took the rest of the 30 feet of sharp ice vertical on the skin of my right side, Sika's wrist, my hip, and her back.  It was amazing. I drew a picture.
 I laughed out loud through my whole 15 mile afternoon run.  Smiling and reassuring folks concerned that I looked like I just got run over by a truck that I was fine.
 When I got home I was confused as to why I felt like total shit.  Tired, thirsty, hungry, hurting, bleeding, sore, and grumpy.  It's so weird how perplexing it can be to figure out that maybe I feel bad because I'm tired and hurt, like a baby.
 I ate, dressed and cleaned my wounds, drank water, and will sleep like a very sore baby.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Beginner's Mind

Here's something I love about this: It's all totally new.  I got a golf score (seconds plus strokes for 50m) of 87 in the pool yesterday, I've never gotten sub 90 yet, and at the start I was getting 136, so it feels like a huge progress.  Being new to this, everyday is a personal best, there's no past to measure up against.

 I love that about having a coach too, I only know what I know, and being new to the sport that's not a lot.  I love learning it in bite sized pieces, through conversations and workouts.  Tiny steps.

 Just saying, it's really healthy for me to practice not really knowing the big picture and just swimming one lap at a time when the whole workout is hard to wrap my head around.

Time off makes it way easier to do my workouts, I'm back on the pony, sore and feeling strong.
I swam 1.4 miles yesterday with a trainer ride.  Today is a swim speed workout, trainer ride, and a track workout, and a trip to Portland.

Time on the trainer is also a great time watch ALOT of TV on the internet.
Here's the current faves:

Transgeneration is an eight episode documentary about the lives of four transgender college students.  It's super inspiring in a coming of age make your own kid of music got to be me sort of way.  Also it's on Netflix Instant Watch.

Also thanks to John and Abby, the Mighty Boosh is rocking my rides.  Fuzzymanpeach.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Super American

Here's what a ribs and slaw dinner party inspires:
Challenge: Draw the USA without looking.

Don't knock it til you try it.

Then watch this:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bombity bomb bomb

I just knit this hat!
3 leaves red kale
1 frozen banana
1 braeburn apple
3 cups OJ
half a squeezed lemon
a splash of maple syrup

Whip it.
Drink it.
Twist it. Bop it.

Getting back on the Pony

Back home for 9 nights!!  It's been snowing like nobody's business, but the driveway is still mostly operable.  Lots of time for projects and finally time to give my training the space it deserves in my life.  I got in the pool yesterday which felt great.  I really missed it with the lung mung.
 It was a long weekend in Portland with snow days, friends, Portland International Film Fest, family and Boos' baby shower! The little blube could come any day now which is thrilling.  The funniest part of the shower was when I told my cousin to punch me in the face if I ever say "binky" and she did.  I'm ok though, it spiced the gift opening up for me a bit for sure.
 I also got to spend some time out at Ekone ranch this weekend.  It's a horse ranch, camp, natural burial ground run by awesome ladies and good people.  We got snowed in for a sec, saunaed, ate ribs, hiked, fed horses, and talked about exciting future collaborations between me and there.  It's rad how things and places and people come into your life.  I heard about Ekone last year in an AP article about natural burial grounds, then there was a gal at the Back Fence storytelling a few weeks ago telling a story about there, then when I met the gal I bought the big trailer from on the Max she invited me out there.  
 Speaking of people coming into life, Hood River is doing me good these days, I'm feeling more at home, running into folks when I go into town, having a little dinner game party tonight with more ribs and slaw than you can shake a stick at.
Time to gear up for some snow shoveling and a hill bike and hill run workout, we're starting base 3 this week, the last base chunk of this training.  I'm a little nervous because I missed so many workouts these last few weeks, but nothing to do but get back on this pony and ride.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


 I'm turning the No Shame In My Game webpage into a blog.
Go see for yourself,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jock Report

After my re-set I woke early on Friday for a ride out to the Dalles again.... I went sans music which is new and weird.  I felt like getting quiet and clear, and guess what? I saw a bob-cat's butt! I've never seen a bob cat and never seen a real wildcat in Oregon.  Once a cougar watched us teach in Yosemite and once a cougar yelled when I lived in a Yurt on Mount Hood, but I saw this lil guy's spotted butt rock hopping.  I slammed to a stop, cut my knee and clickityclacked up some rocks in what in afterthought was a very not sneaky approach.  Obviously the cat hid.
 The other exciting part of the ride was running into a friend on the trail.  I feel more and more like this Hood River place is somewhere I could hang.  Schemes of trailers and nesting and dinners and gardens and settling in are all over my rides and runs.
 We drove to Walla Walla after my ride where I've been running out along this trail called Mill Creek which is a shallow creek with geese and ducks and tiny waterfalls.  Tonight was a night run to get in my 2.5 hours today around teaching and my so-kind coinstructor met me at the most amazing Thai place: Bangkok 103 in College Place, WA for a spicy feast post cold dark great run, best Thai I've ever had.  I'm getting well again and training is getting fun again which is great.  I'm excited to be home again tomorrow night and back in the pool this week.
This is a total "jock-report!"

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I am so lucky that there is the Town Hall here.  Just as I went to go take a nap I got an email from the incredible Sybil that there was Therapeutic Yoga at 6, I immediately fell asleep like a baby pony until 5:30, and man oh man, Sybil does it right, I feel massaged to my core. 
The moon is huge, Mount Hood is bathing in silver, and I'm dreaming of a life where I get to go to Sybil's classes, pottery classes, come home to the Silver Streak, have a job that leaves time to train while keeping me laughing and connected with those I love.  It's just around the bend I can feel it!
 Base 3 ends Monday, that means a recovery week.  Though I missed a lot due to health, work, life stuff, I hope to finish strong.  Tomorrow is a long ride and a swim before 3.  It's early to bed for this pony.

Horse nap

Drove home from Fossil, parked in Hood River,  ran up through the Twin Tunnels to Mosier the light on the water was beautiful and the sun went down, I'm still clearing out some fantastic things from the depths of my respiratory system, but feeling otherwise well, and I love running in the dark.  From there, joined my coach, her boyfriend and fantastic masseuse pal at their new place for delicious dinner, wine, laughs, and a mini massage that melted me.  I got bossed by the masseuse to "go get a massage, jeez!" Yes mam.  I was asking for a suggestion for Mondays 4 hour ride and my coach's boyfriend asked if he could join me, of course he could, but know he's sort of a fast big deal, like he places in international races and it's hard to tell in Hood River who is actually some humble elite maniac or what. 
  I slept like a rock and didn't wake until 9 when I skedaddled down to meet him for a beeeeutiful ride through the twin tunnels, through Mosier, to the Dalles, and up around back to Mosier and back through the tunnels.  Here's the animals we saw: Horses, Cats, Dogs, Barkyasscrazydogs, Ducks, a hawk, a dead opossum, geese, chickens, cows, goats, sheep, and a skunk.  My ass got a little handed to me, but isn't it rad how we can't remember pain but can remember beauty?
 I drove that day to Sisters OR where it was snow and Ice, dinner with Dad and working a course. I got some snowy runs in and just got back to the Mountain. 
 It dawned on me I've been home 4 nights since 2011 and life's been big with blessings, opportunities, work, and challenges.  Tomorrow I go work in Walla Walla which will be fun, I'm feeling really ready to settle into Hood River come June.  It's time for some inventory and prioritizing.  Less is more. 
 Driving home today I saw some sleeping horses.  I just love it when horses lay down.  It's almost the cutest thing. This cowboy in Hawaii told me they forget they can, then one does and the others see it so they are like "Dang! Looks nice!" so they lay down too.  I'm laying down.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Still Ill & Wild Pussy Prints

Pussy Prints!
My Coach says take 3 days off.  She's right.  I'm super sick.  Still.  I'm sad not to go on the epic bike ride I had planned but instead I'm making facinating goobers, I wont say any more about those.  Because it's gross.

I'm still teaching in Fossil Oregon.  It's the day off and it's super pretty so that helps.  I went on a nice walk today, which was special because lately I've been just running or biking and going too fast to look at little things.  In talking to the ranger he had said maybe I shouldn't walk or run alone at dusk.  I figured leaving at 4:30 would give me ample time to stroll and look at stuff.  I saw fossils, wildcat tracks, lots of wildcat tracks, and nervous deer.  The food chain is still in full effect.  Be advised.  Turns out it gets dark fast.  It's also a brand new moon.  It feels so good to be in the nature.

 My homegirl who I'm running the Eugene Marathon with on May 1st has issued a request that I not only be ready to bring it race-wise, but also thriller-dance-wise, come to Eugene to join or enjoy the first annual thriller marathon.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bucky + Arlene forever!

Look at my new house!
 For a while now I've been all like: "Gee I hope one day to have a home that is Arlene the trailer plus an Airstream to make an awesome little home" but alas, no silver beauty....UNTIL! I ran into friend on MAX when I gor back from Hawai'i who must sadly pass on her amazing Silver Streak trailer and who has a good home for it.... MEEEEEE!
 It is silver and beautiful and worked on a lot, and I am so excited to continue the amazing work that's been started on it. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Exciting times.  I'm out in Fossil Oregon, which is beautiful desert.  It's the land of silouettes.  Last night when I was running, the sun went down and all around were the outlines of the goofy rocks looking like a puppet show.  Tonight was a line of deer like they planned it.  Standing right along the top of a hill. 
Oregon is Awesome
 There are two Great Horned Owls here, they have broken wings and we got to watch them take their dinner.  I am in love with their slow blinks.  The rabbits watch and are little jack asses because they know the owls can't get them.  Punk rabbits.
 It's crazy cold here.  I think it was 7 degrees at one point yesterday.  Farenheit.   I am living in a little desert cabin across from Stu and Mariah the Owls.  I am also sick.  I've had this niggling cough since I got back from Hawai'i and it's giving me the smack down now.  Luckily I'm working with a kind nurse and just buckled and am doing antibiotic warfare starting tonight.  It's on. 
 Training is good, It's nutty fitting workouts around work.  It looks like, get up before work, get on trainer, go to work, run or bike at lunch, run or bike after work... It actually is feeling like it's helping the lung crud.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On a stage in front of 600 PEOPLE!

So last night my co instructor, his lovely lady, and I went to a show called Backfence PDX. It's an unrehearsed storytelling show like The Moth. It was so fun and the stories were hilarious. The theme was "Our Bodies" which is easily my favorite topic of all time. For everything. So I was really enjoying myself.
At intermission they announce that there will be an audience lightning round and you can put your name in a jug if you want and if it's drawn you can tell a one minute story with the theme "Our Bodies" in front of the 600 people audience. 5 people would be drawn.
Of course I go and put my coinstructor's (who is an amazing story teller. Riding bikes with him is like a hilarious personal podcast)name in. Then Surprise! I find out his ladyfriend has put both my and her names in the jug. shit.
So we come back from intermission and THEY CALL MY NAME! I have never spoken to 600 people at once and that was about to change.
It was easily one of the most nervous and exciting experiences I've had lately.
But here's to going for it! The five of us who were drawn went up on stage and lined up (coinstructor and ladyfriend were not picked) The sweat ran cold and fast as I listened to the first story. I told a little story about blowing out a wetsuit that was too small for me and ended up realizing I had a blast once I got back to my seat. I smiled all the way home on my night bike.

Training: Good, splitting it around work, today is run at lunch and afterwork. Yesterday was bike at lunch, afterwork and afterstoryshowdown. Tomorrow is drills and swimming with Belle. Highlights have been: people that run in full sweatsuits make me feel like I'm in their training montage, boathouse lights on the river, night biking with coinstructor along the springwater corridor, and Dogs, dogs, dogs.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Training Update

Back in Oregon. As long as I can remember, whenever I am in Hawai'i there's this little taskmaster in my head plotting "how can I live here forever now?" This trip, taskmaster was alive and well, but so was my deep excitement and gratitude for my amigos and family on the mainland.  Getting back to Oregon was good.  I'm sorry not to be warm and in the sea and with my people in Hawai'i, but coming home to a full moon, running into an old friend with a homeless airstream (!) on the Max, full moon witchcraft and ribs dinner and a big soft blue bed in Portland remind me that the magic is alive and well wherever I go.

This is a video Sika made about how much I love Ribs!

So I'm in the last week of base two.  That means next week is recovery, which is nice as I am about to learn how to work all day, work on No Shame In My Game, be in Portland, and get my workouts in starting with the WFR that we start teaching on Saturday in Portland.
A highlight of this trip to Hawai'i was going to the pool with Opa and sharing a lane.  The waves were too big to go in the sea and it was a treat to swim and do math with him.
The swim these days is:
Warmup: 200 (that's 4 roundtrips) side drill, 200 free, 200 pull buoy (which sounds like pool boy and goes between your legs, haha)
Workout: 1 x 400 (8 round trips), 3 x 200, 4 x 100
Cooldown: 200 free with fins
I wanted to write that down so later I can look back at it and see if I think it looks big or small.  It's funny how much math I do in the pool, it's the ultimate brain trick, breaking down numbers so things seem the size you want them to be but the totals are the same. Math.
So that's the update. I think I'm getting a little tired. I have some crud at the top of my lungs and I'm slurping down the vitamin Cs and fighting the good fight. I think I'm ahead. Ribs help.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Surf's up

I changed my ticket.  I don’t have to work until Saturday and the Northwest though filled with the best of the west, also sounds really cold.  I'm coming home Wednesday!  I’ve been in love with long hot rides and runs here.  I am still struggling with swimming in this surf.  It’s been huge since I arrived.  When I get full of salt water I chicken out and take my snorkel.  The waves are crazy huge today.  22 foot.  We went this morning to watch them and they are sending 30 foot plumes of water straight in the air when they hit the rocks.  Beautiful!
 With the changed ticket and huge surf I’ve jimmied the training a bit, I’m swimming in the pool today which will be nice to get into the rhythm of things without getting slapped around quite as much my the awesome ocean.  I’ve been doing a great ride up Hualalai through flowers, wet smells, mists, coffee shacks, and little doggies.  I’ve worked in a few more Mana Road runs which are five star.  Some good beach days and tomorrow is another long bike ride out the Ironman route.  Training here is a dream.  No wonder the triathletes here are jacked.  I have been sleeping a lot which is new, and eating like a beast.  I’m still nervous for the race, but feeling like I’m making progress.  I had my first Ironman anxiety dream the other night.  I missed the start and realized the race was now, not in five months.
 It’s been a wonderful week beyond jock tock too.  Visits with friends, wine coolers at the beach, playing in the waves, playing with babies, waking up to whales, lilikoi and coffee in bed, working in the garden, swimming with Opa, hiking neked, finding a perfect cow skull, making banana bread, eating avocados as big as my head, and soaking in the warm beauty that cradles me here.