Monday, November 29, 2010

La Niña: The cold that kept on giving

Hell & Back!
I've had a cold for over a week now , it's not stopping me though.

I've taken 2 days off training, and 7 days on radstuff.

1. Return from awesome trip to California

2. Wonderful family

3. Friend love

4. Snow
Tussin and Tubbin

5. Gravy

6. Watching my pregnant sister swim next to me in the pool

7. Running at the beach

8. Coastal storming

9. Watching the circus perform at the symphony!
B-Boy Battle!

Cirque de la Symphonie!
10. A b-boy battle

11. Bagby hot springs

12. Two pumpkin pies in the fridge

13. Having my grandpa home at the cabin

14. Henna-ing with Robin

15. Picking up my accordion again

16. Holidays is on!

17. Build phase starting next Monday, real training begins!

Now I'm home sitting by the fire catching up, drinking tea, loving this recovery week and getting my feet back on the ground.

Beach Running!
Thank me later...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Crab Cooker

 We had an outstanding day off. 
It went like this:
Finish work, eat a burger, give co-instructor a lesson in cards over hot toddys in the gold miner cabin, learn some magic tricks, head to bed, sleep in, go drink coffee and watch the sun peek over the morning peaks at Lake Sabrina as the days first fishermen head out, bask on a granite slab and let the warmth crawl up me. 
Hit the road and begin mission: Hot Springs Blow Out.  We headed toward Mammoth.  First stop: Wild Willy’s Hot Springs, a natural pond on a tiny stream with a tiny waterfall in the middle of the valley, surrounded by huge peaks, we had it all to ourselves, it was spectacular.... next:  Hilltop, a concrete tub with incredible views, it was nice and hot and so was the Anthony Kiedis Looking Meatball who joined us, we had a tremendous conversation where he exclaimed in an accent somewhere between a real accent and a speech impediment “You read too!” clearly we had a lot in common, it was a day of interesting characters. 
 Next stop: Crab Cooker, the map we were using said we should watch for “crazed perverts” and we hoped we’d hit bingo with the camper truck parked at the springs.  We asked our crazed pervert candidate if crab cooker was close, “yup” said the man of few words, it had just been drained, and would take at least 3 hours to refill and cool according to a couple beet red hot springs enthusiasts who then began to bicker about whether is was 140 or 160 degrees out of the ground, we headed back to the pervert.  “Is there another over there?” we asked
“can we walk to it?”
“you could” we began to walk. 
 We heard the music before we rounded the bend, one dude, 2 girls, a 30 pack of natty light, and we had arrived at Shepard Springs.  It’s a deep box, close quarters, they were in suits, we were not.  They were trashed, we were not.  The water was luke warm, the series of events that led to my exit was this:
I looked over and saw the dude had gotten out and was peeing all over his feet and the side of his truck as one gal began explaining how her man was going to pay for her to get her vagina lasered, we were told to try Saline Valley where we’d “really fit in, there’s lots of nudists and stuff, you can remember it because it’s Saline, like the Saline Witch Trials” They were great characters but not great enough to keep me shivering in a box of luke warm water talking about Laser's vagina.
 We walked back to Crab cooker where we cooled it with a stand up paddle, it was still burning hot so we headed back to Hilltop which was filled with 12 17 year olds and beer, no one us to sit on their laps, the sun was setting and we decided to try Crab Cooker again. 
 Best decision ever.
The burns we have today were completely worth watching the light pink and fade over the mountains while basking in clean hot water in the silence of the desert laying out to cool under the stars in the evening breeze, and back into the earth pit. It was magic.
A lot of singing in the car, a mexican food stop, and a victory at cards later I was tucked happy back in my little cabin.
 Training is good, just doing short runs and drills, still working my lungs up here.  I just got the next 3 weeks workouts, I’m excited to get home to my bike and the pool Monday, but for now, it’s not too shabby here.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sierra SNOW!

Here’s a day in my life these days.
These are ACTUAL pictures from today's run!
 Wake up in a little goldminers cabin 9,000 feet up near Bishop Pass in California, look at the aspens outside my window to see how much it snowed last night, get up, stretch, walk to the store for breakfast with the crazy pink crawling across the jaggedy granite peaks around me.  Drink a bunch of coffee.  Go to work and put a ton of wood in the fireplace.  Teach all day in the snow. Go for a run at lunch, marvel at how hard my lungs are working, marvel when I get a little higher and can see super toothy peaks on one side,
Whites Behind
and the white mountains across the valley, smile because this is hands down one of the most gorgeous places in the country.  Then I run back to class.  Teach through the afternoon, more wood, more snow.  It’s dark when work ends.  Walk back to cabin, engage domestic routine with co-instructor.  It goes: I get a little yoga ass kicking from Shiva Rea audio yoga, take a bath and sing while Tate uses my computer, we walk to dinner and try not to get asked too many gross medical questions by our sweet students.  Walk home in total darkness and try not to fall in ice puddles while
looking at the stars.  Watch a movie, read, go to bed. Repeat. Not too shabby.
Sierras Ahead

 It’s a recovery week, so it’s just yoga, running, resting, Bad Santa and Super Troopers. Saturday is a day off, and there may be some skiing, hiking, sledding and definitely hot springing.

 It’s a perfect winter spot, the trick is staying warm, watching the light on the granite and ice and staying present.  I’ll be ready to be home for a bit come the 22.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How to love it:

1. Watch This: 

2.  Download Steinski: What Does It All Mean and put it on your listening device
3. Make sure all the leaves are gigantic, gold, and cover the ground with them
4. Put like 3 rainbows in the sky
5. Sprinkle a little rain in it
6. Go for a run

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Award Tour

The Daredevil and the Bruise at work
This rad week included snow, more sock rocking fall colors, a trip to central Oregon where the sun shines every day, the dogs are dirty, the wind is sweet, and it's quieter than a rock, a course in Portland, Robin's new house, reveling in the radness of my Portland friendships,  more training of course, and Halloween! I guess I'm the only one who thinks it would be funny to give out 5 hour energy for trick-or-treats.

It's Magic.
Here's what I'm loving: Spying on water aerobics classes while I swim.  It's like having access to a secret leprochauns in space party.  Above water it's polite smiling elderly folk.  Under water it's crazy leg jigs, bouncing, prancing, and doing insane mid-air freezes.